Sankofa Inspirationals: Learn from the Past to Advance in Wisdom

It is imperative that the global black family learns from our past experiences with foreigners and how we as a people have been treated all over the world.
As the Most High’s people we must use the intuition, discernment and wisdom we have been endowed with from years of experience.
While forgiveness must be practiced because of its liberating essence, no longer should we walk blindly with and be trusting of people who have collectively shown themselves not to be trustworthy.
Walking in wisdom in all areas of life must be the order of the day, but also cultivating a conscious mindset of love for ourselves and fellow black people is very important as contact with foreigners has for centuries not only caused physical, but also spiritual disunity between black people.
Efua x
We thank the Most High for resilience and protection which has sustained us, but we must do our part.
Sankofa (symbol below): Means in Akan twi language “Go back and take it” and is translated in brief as learning from the past.

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Similarities: Ghana & Jamaica Video 01 (Nanny of The Maroons…)

Nanny of The Maroons, Jamaican Akan (Asante) Freedom Fighter:
The story (using Ghanaian highlife music) of Nanny the woman who with Kujoe led a revolt against the British and won. She and her Community called the Maroons fled to the mountains…

The Maroons are descendants of Akan Ghanaian slaves in Jamaica who still retain much of the Akan culture and some Akan words are still used in their patois.


Source: You Tube: OffDaGroundTV Story Time with FuseODG (FuseStory)