Part 1 – Chinese Agenda for Africa Exposed, Confronted & Thwarted.

AAPC News 01
It is no longer business as usual on the continent of Africa.
Exposure of Chinese business people practicing segregation and racial discrimination as well as violating other laws (e.g. In Zambia, shop information and adverts all written in Chinese!) is now rampant and those foreigners are now facing the consequences.
Africans are racially discriminated against in China even as I write and the government turns a blind eye and denies it despite much social media evidence of refusal of Africans to enter malls (a social media case where an Ethiopian official was refused but a white woman was allowed is very telling), blamed for spreading corona virus (other foreigners are not singled out as Africans are) and more… Africans will never be allowed in China to get away with what Chinese have gotten away with in Africa; It is time national leaders stopped handing over large business opportunities and accepting bribes from those who love the Continents resources and wealth but loath its people! I have heard of certain nations, namely Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia as nations where Chinese have refused to serve Africans in their restaurants.
means in Akan Twi language “Go back and take” (learn from the past)

A You Tube Video of a Chinese man whipping a Kenyan worker (a gown man!) who was late is available.  Later I saw the Kenyan man’s interview in which he said this has been happening and he cannot leave the job because he is desperate to work. My black people, your self dignity and worth should never be exchanged for enslavement, physical and emotional abuse from foreigners. Surely our past as a continent should have taught us something? Better to humble yourself and beg family and friends for sustenance until your situation changes than accept denigration or abuse on your motherland; The greatness of African culture lies in our ability to share and help one another, time for more of this to happen, beautiful people.

Many foreigners like to accumulate the African continent’s wealth and goods for themselves as the Chinese do, with some not even using African banks (A Senegalese official in a video affirmed that on the whole the Chinese don’t open bank accounts). But the majority despise Africans and have proved this time and time again. My people, is it not time to arise, unite and reclaim your dignity and destiny? The great thing is many are doing so; Arising from the ashes of generational oppression and trauma that has made many idolaters of foreign nations and people, stripped masses from acknowledging and expressing their worth and claiming their inheritance as a people.
In Senegal as per a documentary I watched, there is a serious situation going on with tensions brewing of Chinese businesses increasing at such a fast rate so that local Senegalese businesses are unable to compete; The Chinese sell the same things but at much lower prices. These Chinese in Senegal practice segregation in that the majority do not make any attempt to mingle or befriend locals nor employ them.
In fact Nigeria planned recently to debate about the Chinese in their parliament… there is a crack down on fraudulent and illegal acts by the Chinese as well as their racist/segregation practices in African countries such as Uganda, Zambia and Nigeria. In fact in Zambia, the Mayor of Lusaka has asked Zambians to serve as whistleblowers.
Africa must continue to address such issues head on, a sign of her deliverance or liberation. ut the end is nigh, their true colours have been exposed to the hilt and governments are waking up and taking action. The sly and deceptive plan to infiltrate Africa and amass as much wealth as possible while treating its people with contempt has been nullified!
There is an undercurrent of a revolution underway on the African continent and among black people worldwide as ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Black People African People Matter and no more shall we stay silent! Watch how this new era for Africa unfolds with excitement and anticipation. There are more manifestations of liberation for Africa and the global black family. This is our time. The God of Africa does not sleep. This is indeed new born Africa.
Source: main news media & You Tube channels
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Introduction – new website

Hi there,

Nice to meet you. My name is Deborah and I hope that this blog finds you and your family well.
I send my most sincere condolences to anyone who has lost a loved one (family, friend or colleague) due to the Coronavirus/Covid 19. Despite the challenges with Covid 19 worldwide let us remain encouraged, remembering that the Most High is in control and with us, His people.

This is the blog section of the website of the Black Heritage & Rehabilitation Institute, a Non Profit Organisation aimed at educating, inspiring and rehabilitating people of African descent worldwide. Our aim is to publish and distribute educational, inspirational and rehabilitation articles and books as well as organise speaking engagements or seminars. Click here for “Who We Are”.

We are planning to launch as part of the Institute’s work, an online Rehabilitation Programme (Self Assessment Questionnaire & Therapeutic Courses: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy & Trauma Management Self Help Courses). Click here for more information.

The name of this blog “Converging Global Africa” was chosen with some thought; It serves to remind people of African descent of our connectivity worldwide which is ongoing and speaks of our supernatural resilience regardless of what comes our way. This is our strength and has worked in our favour for centuries so that we continue to arise and evolve as a force to be reckoned with from the ashes of historical afflictions.

Lately there is a manifestation of a convergence that reveals the vision of Pan Africanism is being fanned into flame as never before and is aided by social media…there is no going back, Africans are awake and owning the narrative, lifting themselves and each other up, self respecting and demanding self respect. Business is not as usual in mother Africa nor among her children worldwide. This is the work of the Most High God.

This blog has articles that are diverse and gleaned from personally researched material which are historical as well as related to current affairs and are intended to inspire and motivate while being educational.

The Institute serves to remind people of African descent that the restoration, preservation and sustenance of our self-respect and dignity as a people starts with being consistently introspective and caring for our personal mental health and general well being and extending that to others close to us and our Global African family. One would say that is a big ask but in reality it is the least we can do as a people who need immense TLC (Tender Loving Care), given our traumatic history. History should have taught us that we are the only ones who can care enough about ourselves to help ourselves.

Often times African history is learnt from sources that are not of African heritage, some of these are accurate but many are not as they are revealed to be distorted and superficial because of the insincere hidden agenda of the foreigners  who wrote them.

Many of the accurate accounts of black history and information about black achievers (e.g. inventors, scholars, activists etc…) who serve as role models for our people are not taught in schools or readily available in the public sphere.

I am among those of African descent who feel compelled for us to own the vision of our people and the continent of Africa as well as to tell our stories (past and present) from our own perspective. From experience I have found out that when we do so there is also a wellspring of revelation that comes with it which the Most High has reserved for us;

No one can tap into the depth of truth and convey the transforming power of history than those who own it.

Please check out articles  I will be rolling out weekly in the current sub-categories (e.g. Generals of Slave Revolts & the Slave Abolitionist Movement, Two fold Slave Trades – Arab/Muslim & Trans-Atlantic, Notable Black inventors, Notable Black Writers & Publishers), more will be added in time under “Blog Posts – Categories” in the side bar.

I also have a category on poetry and prose of a general nature as well as specific to Africa and people of African descent.

Please feel free to comment on the posts and even start a discussion in the forum (below). I have also added other links and features to the homepage (e.g. African business/ investment & networking links, links to Christian blogs & podcasts for spiritual inspiration, quotes, videos etc…) that may be of interest to you.

Stay blessed!
Deborah x

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like
a tree without roots” Marcus Garvey

Palm Tree Avenue Aburi Botanical Gardens, Ghana (Idbaker,